I found a treasure trove of old slides

I used the downtime over the holidays to go through boxes of old prints and slides. I’ve been selectively sharing some of them on social media, but since they cover more than 50 years, it’s unrealistic to share them all. I’ve been struggling with how to preserve them and keep them available to both me, […]
Super Blood Wolf Moon

It doesn’t look like the weather here in Montreal will be conducive to watching the lunar eclipse tonight, but here’s an image that I took late last summer by mounting my Canon 60D on my telescope.
Autumn leaves

Snow is now on the ground. But before that happened, we were able to enjoy some spectacular fall colours.
It’s been a while

I’ve failed to nurture this space over the past year or more, but it’s time to get my writing chops back. Watch this space for some new content in the coming days.
Explaining Explain Everything | LEARN Blog

I wrote a recent blog post for LEARN based on a fascinating conversation that I had with the developers of the Explain Everything app for the iPad. If you find this interesting, you should consider attending the LEARN-RECIT Technology and Learning Summit 2014 at the Sheraton Laval on October 20, 2014. Explaining Explain Everything | […]
Whither spring?
Yesterday the temptation plunged from a daytime high of 16?C to an overnight low of about -10?C. With the wind chill, today feels positively frigid. It’s a bit hard to stomach after a particularly long, harsh winter. Montreal has not been hit as hard as some other regions. At this time of year, I’ve grown […]
Bell Customer Service woes

One relatively happy customer service experience exposes the lack of any true customer service at Bell.

Classroom, a photo by robtain on Flickr.
Chicago Road Trip – Part II

Tonight we’re in Kalamazoo, Michigan. We left Burlington, ON this afternoon around 3 pm after having lunch with some friends. Instead of crossing the Ambassador Bridge at Windsor, we opted to cross the border at Sarnia. The wait was very short and the traffic was light.
Road Trip to Chicago Part I

Day 3 of our road trip to Chicago draws to a close. We’ve packed in a visit to the zoo and two family visits since we left our home in Montréal. The kids love the zoo, and even though it was a long and tiring day, they both loved it. Seeing the pandas was a […]