An accessibility tip for iOS 6 users
In researching affordable OCR apps for iOS, I came across this cheap alternative using full-featured software like GoQ’s WordQ, or Kurzweil to read printed documents
février 13, 2013
2:21 pm
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A Manual focusing tip for Canon DSLR users
I am continually surprised at the new things that I learn about my camera. Despite having read much of the manual and used my Canon
septembre 8, 2012
2:14 pm
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A collection of Montréal photos from Flickr
I’m trying out a new HTML5 gallery plugin for WordPress called Juicebox. I’ve used it here to fetch all my photos from Flickr tagged “Montreal”
juin 6, 2012
1:38 pm
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mai 8, 2012
5:09 pm
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mai 8, 2012
5:07 pm
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Gotcha! Manual Mode and Auto-ISO setting
Many DSLRS have an auto-ISO or auto-sensitivity feature that adjusts the ISO setting of the sensor automatically to compensate for changes in lighting conditions. This
février 24, 2012
4:27 pm
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